Wednesday, October 20, 2010

7. Art, paintings, but moreover G.

Well to start I must say I am not a very instruct person on the topics of art, paintings and that kind of stuff. I guess that´s because my family didn´t has “art-culture” or nothing similar. So according to that I didn´t visit art museums in my childhood or knew painters, famous prints, etc.

Just in my young age I learn about different artistic currents, the most famous artists (Picasso, Dali, Monet, Rembrandt, etc.), paints, sculptures, important places for their artistic value, among some other things.
But well I must say, until now I know a little more about art and paintings, I don´t considered myself an educated persons on this topics. Even so, I will love to be a kind of an amateur-expert some day, and be willing to talk about art and really understand it.

Despite the things I´ve just mention I have a favorite painter. I didn´t know much about Guayasamin when I first look a paint of him, but something happened to me. Something special is transmitted in his works, something like the “suffering of the people, the tiredness and hopelessness”. But also it talks about positive things, “the love of a mother” for example. Besides I must say that his art kind of represents the Latin-American culture, traditions, feelings, etc.

Oswaldo was born in Quito, the capital of Ecuador, in the beginnings of the twenty´s century. Over his veins run Quechua`s blood, and trough his art are express social inequalities. An interesting thing about Guayasamin is that his production is very complete. His work is fruitful in paintings, murals, sculptures and monuments too. He died in the XXI century, but I thing that is legacy will live trough his work, and will also live the message that he try to transmitted.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

3. Music in life

Well, definitely I am a big fan of music. But I am not just a listener; I make “Biodanza” so music is fundamental to me. “Biodanza” is a system of integration that works with music, dance, movements and emotions. The songs that used are especially select because they produced effects on the persons; help them to feel their emotions, what they want in life, need, etc. So music really is one of the things that make me feel good, happy, alive, in sum it makes me feel better.

But well, I am also fan of some musicians or kinds of music. I really like Brazilian´s music, Bossa-nova and things like that. I also like quiet music, the relaxing ones: Jazz, Alternative things, etc. I enjoy too some Chilean musicians like Los Tres, Manuel Garcia, Camila Moreno, Chinoy, among others. According to that I am not a big fan of Heavy metal or Heavy Rock, I don´t enjoy violent or angry music at all.

About events o Concerts, I don´t usually go to them, because of the money; it is not that cheap as I hope to, and because of my busy life. But if I could I would go to all the concerts of my favorite bands, singers and genres. In change, the true is that I only can hear my music in mi laptop while I am working, studying or doing things, cause I don´t have a Radio here in Santiago. So I download music files and enjoy my music in my home from the Pc.

But, well, I really think that all people should listen to music. I believe that music makes persons more happy, more connected to their emotions, among a lot of
other good things.

5. Movies, time to see them?

Well, in first place I really love seen movies, it is one of the most relaxing things to do. But, like life sucks, I never have time to see them or I´m just too tired and need to sleep.

Besides to that, I didn´t have time to go to the cinemas either. In fact, in this last term I have just go one time to see a movie. So, I use to buy them or down low them from the Internet.

But, well I have a favorite movie, from the times when I have time to see them. My favorite movie is “Reservoir Dogs”, the first movie that Quentin Tarantino directed and wrote. I saw it the first time in 2007, when I came to live to Santiago with my cousin, since then I can´t remember how many times I watched it.

"Reservoir Dogs" it´s a crime movie, but the policemen are not the main characters. This is a movie that turns around criminals: the planes of a bank robbery, their ironic discussions and their fights over who were the snitch, their joking and laughing, the guns and the shots.What I most love of it is their cruel humor and the violence that involves. I must say that my favorite scene is the one when one of the bad guys cut the heir of a policeman while he is dancing "Stuck in the middle with you" by Stealers Wheel. He obviously was crazy, but I love to watch his madness.

So the ones that haven´t seen it have lost the half of their life!!! So you must watch it.

4. Contradictions in Santiago

Really, I think that Santiago isn't very shiny. There are a lot of pollution, the people is angry and egocentric sometimes and it is a bad copy of any city of the United States. Definitely I don't recommend it to any foreign tourist. Chile has a lot of better places to known.

But well, it also has some good things. There are very beautiful places like Santa Lucia hill or the “Forestal” Park. The first one is an amazing piece of nature in the middle of the down-town. It's full of water fountains and sculptures, surrounded with shrubs and trees. It also has paths to walk, benches to take a rest or viewpoints to see the city. The second one is a huge park, also in the down-town. It starts near to “Baquedano” Square (also known as Plaza Italia) and finish in front of “Mapocho” Station. Within the park is the “Bellas Artes” Museum (very affected by the earthquake, but it was recently re-opened) and interesting sculptures. At the weekend, artistic organizations go and do different activities, so it is a special place to visit with children and the family.

There are other typical places, like the Metropolitan Park (San Cristobal Hill) which has the zoo and an old cable car (special for a romantic date). Near that, there is a Pablo Neruda's house (La Chascona) and “Bellavista”, a bohemian and cultural neighborhood.

But, despite of that, and that are beautiful places, some with a tremendous cultural value, Santiago has no identity. People love going to the mall or prefer staying in their houses watching TV instead of visiting and walking around their city. Modernity not only produces changes in the sense of production, but also in the interactions and ways of relating to people. Santiago is a city which pretends to be modern...however; those who observe and analyze the contradictions of the globalization (see the other face of the coin) can say the opposite.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

2. Brazilian´s Life

Definitely I would love to visit Brazil, especially the North of the country. This area is compost by the cities of Maranhão, Piauí, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Sergipe and Bahia, and it represents 18.26% of the Brazilian territory.

The north of Brazil is famous for his hot weather, beautiful beaches, rich culture (unique folklore, music, cuisine and literature), Carnival and St. John's festivities, between lots of other things. The biggest cities in there are Salvador, Fortaleza and Recife, which are the regional metropolitan areas of the Northeast.

In my experience, I have always surprise with the energy and magnetism of the Brazilian people, their culture, their music, traditions, life style, among other things. I am not that sure about what is the thing that makes them and the old country so especial, that´s why I dream with living in Brazil. It is almost like a secret that I want to discover.

I have an especial interest for the city of Bahia. This is an important city because of his history. I took about the immigration of African slaves, the colonial history, the syncretism of different cultures, the combination between “Santeria”, Catholicism, Paganism, etc.

When I say that I will love to live in Brazil I really mean it. I don´t know when and in what circumstances, if I will be studying, working or just enjoying life, but at least I will like to live a year in there.